We protect the future
Today leading a business in an eco-sustainable way means looking at the future with responsibility. We are committed to safeguarding the environment in everyday gestures and we make major investments and create projects every year to minimize our environmental impact.

We have dedicated a special area for each type of waste (CER code) and we closed an agreement with a disposal company, creating a virtuous system for recycling paper, cardboard and plastic.

We made large investments in specific treatments to reduce the pollutant load of wastewater and, today, we are significantly below the legal limit.

We believed in photovoltaics technology and at the end of 2015 we installed the system on the entire plant roof, reducing our impact on the environment and producing around 1,300,000 KW of renewable energy each year.
What do we believe in?
In moral integrity, personal honesty and transparency in internal and external relationships In respect of employees and collaborators with a commitment to enhance their professional skills
In the Company’s attention and commitment to the social issue in all its dimensions In the protection of the health, safety of workers and the environment, and, more generally, the refusal of any conduct which, although aimed at achieving a result consistent with company profit, has aspects that are not compatible with an organizational and management model Ethics oriented.
Code of ethics, organizational model 231 and whistleblowing
We decided to adopt a Ethics Code – pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 – to collect the principles and rules of conduct in which the Company recognizes itself, defining the business ethics to which all those who operate are subject in the name and on behalf of the Company. We believe that, in conducting business, ethics leads to the success of entrepreneurial activity, helping to spread an imprint of reliability, fairness and transparency of the activities.
The adoption of the Code aims to spread and strengthen the values and principles in which Dolciaria Acquaviva recognizes itself and to counteract conducts contrary to these principles and regulations.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 10th March – n.24, we have introduced a system for collecting reports – so-called whistleblowing – in order to report phenomena and behaviors that may constitute a violation of national and European regulations and of the principles and conduct rules contained in the Code of Ethics and in Model 231 adopted by the company.